I’m so stinkin’ excited to chat with you on the pod!

Step One

Get cozy with the pod and how I do things.

Read through this page to get all your questions answered about how to show up ready to record.

Step Two

Fill out the guest info form at the bottom of this page.

This makes it easy for me to snag the links so listeners can connect with you and a photo of your beautiful face to slap on the episode cover and social graphics.

Step Three

Book your recording session.

Once you fill out the form, you’ll be redirected to a scheduling page to get our session on the calendar.

Episode Flow

Once we hit record, I let you introduce yourself and give the listeners a bit of background on who you are and what you do.

I don’t really prep specific questions for each guest. I prefer to let the conversation flow naturally.

BUT—I know having an idea of what we might talk about can ease your curiosity (and nerves). So, I’ve compiled a set of possible topics and questions here.

    • Who you are, where you started, where you are now, what happened along the way.

    • How many kids do you have, age gaps, etc.

    • When in your entrepreneurial journey did you become a mom before during or after you started your business

    • If kids came after you started your business, what were you scared about becoming a mom before and what came true

    • What’s the thing that you struggle with the most doing both?

    • What are you most proud of when it comes to doing both?

    • Talk about how mom guilt plays a role in your life while juggling both career and kids

    • What was the thing that was the most surprising or interesting to you when you became a mom?

    • How did your feelings around being a “professional business woman” change after having kids?

    • Tell me about your schedule and how you manage

      • Do you have help?

      • Do you have a routine you have to follow to keep things on track?

    • What are the boundaries that you have in place that are must haves

    • What have you had to table / sacrifice / put on the back burner? And how does that make you feed or how do you deal with putting ideas / dreams on hold?

    • What are some mindset shifts you’ve had to make around either motherhood or your role as a business owner?

    • Flexibility. The elusive concept. What does it mean to you

    • How did having kids change your idea around what your time is worth.

    • What some advice that you would give other moms or parents doing both

Recording Prep

Prep Your Environment

  • Small, quiet places are best (a closest is great!)

  • If there are windows, close the blinds/curtains

  • Carpeted rooms are best

  • Surround yourself with blankets/pillows

Test Your Computer Preferences

Check your sound settings to make sure your computer is picking up your mic.

Noise Check

  • Turn off/silence notifications

  • Remove any jewelry (like bracelets) that might jingle and jangle

  • Try to seclude yourself from kids and/or pets

  • Remove any items around you might fiddle with (like absentmindedly picking up a pen and clicking it)

Get dolled up—or not!

I do record the video of our podcast and may use clips for social media content. Sometimes I’m wearing clean clothes and makeup, and sometimes I’m not! Such is the life of a working mom, eh?!

Use a Microphone & Earbuds

  • If you have a microphone, that is best.

  • If you don’t have a microphone, use the mic on wired headphones

  • our computer microphone will not lend the best quality.


Take a breath—this podcast is edited post recording. Don’t sweat a perfect delivery or worry about tripping over your words—we can clean anything up or cut anything you’d rather “unsay” ;-)

Guest Form

Drop your details here to start begin booking your recording session.